I have a new book coming out and want to list the previous books in the series. Possible?

Yes, it's possible. We can consider listing all the previous books in the series alongside the new book. 

Before you submit each book's details individually for consideration, we'd like to set your expectations:

  1. Most ARC readers prefer to read and review books before or right after they're published. That's part of the allure of being an ARC reader. If your new book requires readers to read the older books in the series, the higher level of commitment required may dissuade many readers. If your new book can be read as a standalone (i.e. it's optional to read the previous books in order to enjoy the newest book), it's more likely to get ARC readers.
  2. If your new book can be read as a standalone and it's your first ARC on BookSirens, read this FAQ for how many readers you can expect. If your new book requires that readers read the previous books in the series, then you can expect the uptake to be at the lower end of the estimates mentioned in that FAQ. As always, outliers are possible if your book simply strikes the right chord with our community!
  3. We'll only actively promote the newest book in the series. When readers try to download this book, they'll be informed that the previous books in the series are also available in case they want to start from an earlier book. In the case when reading previous books is required, readers will be clearly warned. One of the benefits of having previous books also listed on BookSirens is so that readers can easily review your entire series on BookSirens, one book at a time.
  4. If you're on the Promote Plan, you will be billed the listing fee and per reader fees for all the books in the series, not just the newest book.

If you're content with the expectations above, submit each book's details individually and email us with a short note that you'd like us to consider listing the entire series. We'll let you know if we can!

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