What is the response rate from the reviewers in the directory?

Response rate varies from reviewer to reviewer. Based on our discussions with ~500 book reviewers, we have determined the following factors influence a book reviewer's decision to review your book, in order from most influential to least influential:

  • They must be accepting reviews requests.
  • You and your book must match up with their review policy. For example, some reviewers don't review indie authors. Others do. Our survey results suggest that 25% of review requests don't pass this requirement.
  • It is feasible for them to give you a review in the time frame you desire. Many times their TBR (to-be-read) pile is too long. This is especially true with reviewers who have high social reach and are therefore in greater demand. The more time you give them, the higher your chances.
  • Your book cover. This is the first thing that pops out at them when they open your email.
  • Your blurb. Make it interesting without giving too much away!
  • Your message. Make it personalized, make them feel special. Don't mass email and don't be overly-aggressive. Our survey results suggest that around a third of book reviewers have been victim to overly-aggressive behavior from authors.
  • Your book's editing and formatting quality.

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