How do I find my Goodreads review's URL?

On Desktop / Tablet

Go to your Goodreads profile.

Click on your reviews.

Sort by date added by clicking date added.

Scroll to find the book you reviewed. You may need to go to page 2, 3, etc...

Once you find the book, click view (with text).

This should take you to a new page. 

Copy the URL in your browser's address bar. That is your Goodreads review's URL.

On Mobile Web

Scroll down and click Desktop Version.

While a bit cumbersome, this will let you browse Goodreads as if you were on a Desktop. 

Then you can follow the instructions above to find the review URL.

On Goodreads iPhone App

Go to your Goodreads profile.

Click on your Books statistic.

Click on the read statistic.

Scroll to find the book your reviewed. Once you find it, click on the review text or the more link.

Click the Share button.

Click the Copy button. The Goodreads review's URL is now copied to your clipboard. You can come back to BookSirens and paste it.

On Goodreads Android App

It is currently not straightforward to retrieve the Goodreads review URL via the Android app. We recommend using one of the approaches above or simply emailing us and we'll find it for you.

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