How do I update my book files?

Fix some typos or formatting issues and want to give readers the best version of your book? 

Want to test a different cover?

Follow the steps below to update your book:

  1. Go to your books
  2. Click Edit next the book you wish to update
  3. Click the Files tab (on a mobile device, you may need to scroll the tabs to the end to reach this tab)
  4. To upload a new cover, click Upload New Cover
  5. To update the files, click the button for the respective format

The updates will take effect within 10 minutes, Then, future readers will download the latest version of your book.

Note: If the changes are significant and you wish to notify previous readers that a new version is available, email us a brief one sentence description of the changes. We'll then notify previous readers about the changes via email. But note that we cannot guarantee that all readers will see our email and download the latest version. Most do, however.

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