What is the submission process?

NOTE: If you've previously promoted a title on BookSirens, the process will often be expedited for you 😀

Step 1: Submit book details via this form

At this stage, we just want to get a sense of the title you're trying to promote and a bit about your background. 

Once you submit the form, you'll receive an email asking you to confirm the submission. 

Once you confirm, your application will enter our queue. We'll then take between 0 to 5 days to process it depending on how many other applications we have to get through before yours.

You can check the status at any time.

NOTE: We do not ask you to upload any files or manuscripts at this stage.

Step 2: Upload book

If we can accommodate your book at this time, you'll receive an email with instructions to upload your book files / manuscripts.

Then our team checks your files to make sure they render without any issues. This may take up to 48 hours depending on how many other books we have to get through before yours.

If we find issues, you'll receive an email describing the issue(s) and a chance to rectify them. 

Step 3: Live!

Once your book files / manuscripts look good, we go live with your listing and you'll receive an email. 

If you enrolled in one of our paid promotions, you'll also receive any billing related emails at this time.

We typically go live with new listings every Monday. If you want your listing to go live sooner, simply get in touch.

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