How do readers receive my ARC?

In the process of creating your listing, we ask for the following formats: ePub, Mobi, and PDF. 

If your book has a lot of pictures / graphics or very special formatting, then PDF only is fine. 

Otherwise, we recommend providing all three formats to reach the most readers. Keep in mind that as long as there are no heavy graphics or special formatting, most readers prefer ePub or Mobi.

We also ask for a PDF sample of the book to give potential readers a taste of your writing style and story before they commit to your ARC. This helps improve review rates.

Readers receive the ARC file format of their choosing directly from BookSirens. They have the option to send the ARC to their Kindle device, as an email attachment, or direct download to their device.

We also handle all reader support in case readers face technical trouble.

NOTE: We don't direct readers to external sites to get your book. File download and delivery all takes place on BookSirens itself.

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