How do I set a review deadline?

A review deadline is a date by when readers are asked to leave feedback your book, regardless of when they join your ARC team. Readers won't be able to join your ARC team after this date. Many authors pick this option if they want all the reviews in by a certain specific date (ex. the book's publication) or before their KU term begins.

This approach is different from giving all readers a fixed amount of time to read and review your book.

To set a review deadline, go to your books. Then:

  1. Click Edit next to the book you want to update.
  2. Click the Readers tab.
  3. You may see two tabs: Readers We Find and Readers You Invite. Make sure you select the one you wish to change as they're completely independent. If you don't see these two tabs, ignore this step.
  4. Scroll down to where it says Read Time.
  5. Set the read by date in the right box.
  6. Click Update at the end of the form to save your changes.

Note that any changes will only affect future readers, not the readers who have already joined your ARC team.

Also, keep in mind that some readers may post feedback before the read deadline is reached. 

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