How do I prevent getting banned from leaving ARC reviews on Amazon?

There are many reasons Amazon may decide to ban you from leaving ARC reviews. Since we don't know their system and are not affiliated with Amazon, we can only guess what their reason might be. But we have noticed some patterns over the years. Below we share some steps you can take to minimize your chances of getting banned from leaving ARC reviews on Amazon.

  1. In your disclaimer that you received an ARC, don't use the phrase "in exchange for" or "in exchange of". Instead use this disclaimer:

    I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

    The idea is to make it clear that you were not obligated to write a review just because you got a free copy.

  2. Amazon is quite liberal in what it considers profanity. Even words like "bloody", "hell", and "damn" may prevent your review from being approved. So, scan your review and remove / substitute any potentially triggering words before submitting it to Amazon.
  3. Be judicious about how often you submit reviews to Amazon. Submitting too many reviews all at once can make them suspicious. Instead:
    1. Spread out your review submissions over many days or weeks.
    2. For some ARCs on BookSirens, an Amazon review is optional. Consider forgoing an Amazon review for these ARCs, especially if you've already posted many Amazon reviews lately.
  4. ARC reviews are generally unverified Amazon reviews because you're not purchasing the book directly from Amazon. Too many unverified reviews can make Amazon suspicious. If you really liked an ARC and it's not too expensive, consider occasionally buying it on Amazon. This has three benefits:
    1. You will post the occasional verified Amazon review.
    2. A verified review will help the author even more, good karma for you.
    3. You will contribute to the financial longevity of an author you enjoyed.

If you've been banned already...

Some readers have been successful in having their profile reinstated by writing to and

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