How do I de-list or remove my book?

Note: Readers who have already joined your ARC team and downloaded your book may still leave reviews regardless of the option you decide. We can only remove your book on BookSirens, not readers' personal devices.

You have a few options here depending on your goal:

Permanently Remove Book

If you want to permanently remove your book from our servers and get that peace of mind, follow the steps below:

Note: This might inconvenience readers who have already joined your review team and want to download your book again (ex. if they cannot locate the original download for some reason). If you want to give readers in your review team the option to download your book again, then we recommend taking the approach described in the following section, Temporarily Take Down Book.

For Listed Books

If your book was live on BookSirens at any point:

  1. Go to your books.
  2. Click Edit under the book you want to remove.
  3. Click the Readers tab.
  4. Update the Status of your ARC to Stop
  5. Click Update.

For All Other Books

  1. Go to your books.
  2. Click Edit under the book you want to remove.
  3. Scroll down and click Delete.

Note that this cannot be undone and this will remove all your book files from our servers.

Temporarily Take Down Book

This is a good option if you want to temporarily take down your book (ex. KU term is starting, to fix some typos, improve the cover or blurb) and resume the listing at a later time. It is also a good option if you don't want any more readers but want to give your existing readers the ability to download your book again (ex. if they cannot locate the original download for some reason). Some authors also choose this option when they enroll in Kindle Unlimited and resume their listing after the Kindle Unlimited period ends. If you are considering this due to KU, read how we handle books in Kindle Unlimited first.

To temporarily take down your book for everyone, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to your books.
  2. Click Edit under the book you want to update.
  3. Click the Readers tab.
  4. Update the Status of your ARC to Pause
  5. Click Update.

If you were promoting your book to the BookSirens community, follow the additional step below:

  1. Click the Invite tab.
  2. Update the Status of your ARC to Pause
  3. Click Update.

Stop Showing to BookSirens Readers ONLY

This is a good option if you want to stop showing your book to BookSirens readers but still want the ability to invite readers on your own (i.e. your existing ARC team, through your own outreach). BookSirens readers (i.e. readers we find for you) will not be able to download your book, but readers you invite via your invite link will be able to. Readers who have already downloaded your book will still be able to download it again (ex. if they cannot locate the original download for some reason).

  1. Go to your books.
  2. Click Edit under the book you want to update.
  3. Click the Readers tab.
  4. Update the Status of your ARC to Pause
  5. Click Update.

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