How do I resume my listing?

To resume your listing so more readers can join your ARC team:
  1. Go to your books.
  2. Click Edit under the book you want to resume.
  3. Click the Readers tab.

If Status says Paused

Resuming is straightforward.

  1. Update the Status of your ARC from Pause to Live
  2. Click Update.

If you were promoting your book to the BookSirens community, follow the additional step below:

  1. Click the Invite tab.
  2. Update the Status of your ARC from Pause to Live
  3. Click Update.

If Status says Stopped

Resuming involves some additional steps.

  1. Go to your books.
  2. Click Edit under the book you want to resume.
  3. Click the Files tab.
  4. Re-upload your book files.
  5. Assuming your files look good, we'll mark your listing Live within 24 hrs.

In future, if you plan to resume a promotion, please Pause it instead. That way you can resume things immediately via the website without having to involve our support team or waiting.

Note: Double check that you have reader spots remaining. Otherwise, readers will not be able to join your ARC team even though it is live.

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