What is the expected review rate?

BookSirens Readers

We maintain a 75% review rate among our community of 30,000+ readers. This means 75% of downloads result in a review being posted, on average.

Since we are averaging across all books to arrive at the 75% estimate, we cannot make any guarantees for your specific book. Some books have 90% review rates and others have less than 50%. 

The book's quality is the main determinant for a high review rate, so please do your best to upload a well edited, formatted, and overall awesome book! You can also update your book at any time in case you catch errors later on.

Readers You Invite

It's hard to give you the expected review rate among readers you invite because we don't know your readers nor how you are finding them. For example, inviting readers from your existing loyal ARC team will yield higher review rates than inviting random new readers who haven't read your books before.

Furthermore, the expected review rate will vary depending on the settings you have chosen for ARC distribution: 

  1. Are you asking you readers to connect their social profile before they can get your ARC? If yes, then this will generally improve the review rates because freebie seekers are less likely to do this.
  2. Have you turned on automatic review reminders? If yes, then this will improve the review rate.
  3. Are you asking readers to request your approval before they can access your ARC? If yes, then this will generally improve the review rates because you can selectively approve readers with a reviewing history.

You can update these settings on your book's dashboard.

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